The Law Office of Geoffrey McInroy

Dauphin County Criminal Defense Law Blog

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Blog Posts - Dui defense

How much can a DUI cost?

Driving under the influence (DUI) carries significant financial consequences. Understanding these costs helps you grasp the full impact of a DUI charge in the state of Pennsylvania. Fines and penalties The direct fines for a DUI vary depending on the severity of the offense. For a first-time DUI offense with...

How the ARD program can help people facing DUI charges

The prospect of DUI charges is distressing, especially if it’s the first time you’re facing this situation. However, the state offers the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) program to help first-time defendants avoid a criminal record.  Taking advantage of this program can be a good way to get your life back...

How to explain a DUI on a background check

Facing a DUI charge can be challenging, especially when it shows up on a background check. If you’re applying for a job or housing, knowing how to explain a DUI on your record is essential for moving forward. Be honest and straightforward When discussing a DUI on a background check,...

Is jail time mandatory for a first DUI in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, jail time for a first DUI offense hinges on your Blood Alcohol Content level at the time of arrest. General impairment may not require jail time, but higher BAC levels entail mandatory jail sentences. Recognizing these distinctions can help you understand the legal consequences of a DUI and...

What can affect the duration of license suspension after a DUI?

Drivers and law enforcement typically have the same understanding of how dangerous driving under the influence (DUI) can be. This information is vital to learning programs required to qualify for a driver’s license, including the consequences of drunk driving and other similar offenses. Even first-time DUI offenders can face hefty...

Defense for DUIs involving medications for chronic illnesses

In Pennsylvania, DUI laws apply not only to alcohol but also to prescription medications. People who need these medications for chronic illnesses might still face DUI charges if police believe the medications impair their driving. There are strategies individuals can use to defend against these charges. Understanding prescription medication side...

What defenses can you use against a DUI charge?

The looming threat of a DUI charge is a frightening experience. Conviction can be life-altering in multiple ways. Thankfully, one has numerous defense options from which to choose. Recognizing what they are before going to trial can help those trying to survive this delicate situation without legal consequences. Inaccurate sobriety...

Can a Pennsylvania DUI lead to a loss of professional licensure?

A conviction for driving under the influence in Pennsylvania can have serious consequences. A notable consequence includes a potential threat to professional licensure. Professionals in various fields may face disciplinary actions from licensing boards after convictions for driving under the influence. Each licensing board has its own regulations and disciplinary...

Can you really get a DUI for taking prescription drugs?

Laws pertaining to driving under the influence vary from state to state, and Pennsylvania is no exception. While most people associate DUI charges with alcohol, it is important to know that prescription drugs can also lead to legal consequences if not taken responsibly. In Pennsylvania, the law takes a strict...

Who is eligible for an Ignition Interlock Limited License?

An Ignition Interlock Limited License is an arrangement for individuals with suspended or revoked driving privileges due to alcohol-related offenses. This license can provide a second chance to those who deserve it. Interestingly, over 13,000 Pennsylvania residents used ignition interlock devices in 2022, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation....

What are the effects DUI charges on professional careers?

In Pennsylvania, a DUI conviction can result in consequences such as fines, license suspensions and even incarceration, depending on the severity of the offense. Beyond the legal penalties, a DUI can also impact many aspects of everyday life, including a person’s current employment status and future career options. Individuals need...

The impact of a DUI conviction in Pennsylvania

Being convicted of driving under the influence in Pennsylvania can lead to serious consequences that negatively affect various aspects of your life. Understanding the ramifications of a DUI conviction is essential to grasp the severity of such an offense. This blog will discuss how a DUI conviction can adversely impact...

3 factors that could determine DUI penalties

With penalties ranging from probation to five years in prison, it is easy to get confused by potential DUI consequences. Rehabilitative options and license suspensions further complicate matters. Case outcomes depend on many variables. This article will look at three potentially important factors. 1. BAC level Blood alcohol content measurements...

Ways to contest the results of a breath test

Breath test results are common evidence in DUI cases. Pennsylvania is an implied consent state, which means that you are obligated to consent to a desktop breath test or blood analysis test to determine your blood alcohol content. Sometimes, officers also administer a portable breath test at the scene. If...

State passes tougher penalties for repeat DUI offenders

Driving under the influence of alcohol has serious consequences in Pennsylvania, especially for chronic offenders. The state recently toughened penalties for motorists with multiple DUI convictions. The change came about in an attempt to keep dangerous drivers off the road. Legislation increases penalties for some A report in U.S. News...

Can a DUI charge change a college student’s path?

Getting a DUI charge is one potentially life-changing thing that some people do not give enough attention to. Some falsely believe that a charge will naturally go nowhere, or that even a first-time conviction is not so bad. However, just one conviction could actually completely alter the course of a...

The 2 exemptions to the ignition interlock requirement

If you get arrested for drunk driving, you could face penalties for DUI. These penalties can be severe and can include the requirement to spend time in jail, perform community service, and pay a significant fine. Another one of these penalties is the requirement to use an ignition interlock device...